Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 1/29/21

Hello and welcome “Not About Us” listeners! Please join us for this ongoing bi-weekly conversation podcast. This is where we share anything and everything that we think the Spirit wants us to share. Here you will find conversations on current events, updates on our relationship journeys with God, and shout-outs to those who have inspired us or helped us find truth.

Brad’s shout-out this podcast is for Tim Mahoney, documentary filmmaker for Patterns of Evidence, a series of documentaries exploring the evidence for Biblical events, including the Exodus and the Red Sea Crossing.

Scott’s shout-out this podcast is for former coworker, Nicole Reed, an unknown soldier, who did her part to answer and follow God’s will in her life. Scott also expressed his thoughts on prophesy information he received from Faithful Walk Healing Ministries.

Also, in this podcast two music videos were shouted-out for how they moved Brad and Scott. Here are the links to the videos- Crowder - Crushing Snakes: Showdown ft. TAYA Who We Are - MDSN

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 1/15/21

Hello and welcome “Not About Us” listeners! Please join us for this ongoing bi-weekly conversation podcast. This is where we share anything and everything that we think the Spirit wants us to share. Here you will find conversations on current events, updates on our relationship journeys with God, and shout-outs to those who have inspired us or helped us find truth.

Brad’s shout-out this podcast is for C.J. Lovik and his work on The Berisheet Passover Prophecy. Also, a shout-out for Frontier Alliance International and the emotional truth Brad discovered in their The Ballads of the Revelation movie.

Scott’s shout-out this podcast is for Christian singer David Meece for all his music, especially the song My Father’s Chair, and for David’s testimony about his relationship with his father.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” New Years Conversation 1/1/21

Hello and welcome “Not About Us” listeners! Please join us for this ongoing bi-weekly conversation podcast. This is where we share anything and everything that we think the Spirit wants us to share. Here you will find conversations on current events, updates on our relationship journeys with God, and shout-outs to those who have inspired us or helped us find truth.

Brad’s shout-out this podcast is for The Chosen (TV series about Jesus Christ from the point of view of those who knew him).

Scott’s shout-out this podcast is for Mel Gibson and The Passion of the Christ.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 12/18/20

Hello and welcome “Not About Us” listeners. Please join us for this ongoing bi-weekly conversation podcast. This is where we share anything and everything that we think the Spirit wants us to share. Here you will find conversations on current events, updates on our relationship journeys with God, and shout-outs to those who have inspired us or helped us find truth.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 12/4/20

Hello and welcome “Not About Us” listeners. Please join us for this ongoing bi-weekly conversation podcast. This is where we share anything and everything that we think the Spirit wants us to share. Here you will find conversations on current events, updates on our relationship journeys with God, and shout-outs to those who have inspired us or helped us find truth.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Thanksgiving Conversation 11/26/20

Special Thanksgiving Conversation!

Hello and welcome “Not About Us” listeners. Please join us for this ongoing bi-weekly conversation podcast. This is where we share anything and everything that we think the Spirit wants us to share. Here you will find conversations on current events, updates on our relationship journeys with God, and shout-outs to those who have inspired us or helped us find truth.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 11/20/20

Hello and welcome “Not About Us” listeners! Please join us for this ongoing bi-weekly conversation podcast. This is where we share anything and everything that we think the Spirit wants us to share. Here you will find conversations on current events, updates on our relationship journeys with God, and shout-outs to those who have inspired us or helped us find truth.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 11/13/20

“Not About Us” is back with the next conversation podcast. This one was recorded on 11-13-2020. The conversation starts with a discussion of what happens when you are disappointed, and you have a relationship with God. Continuing, a discussion about answering God’s call to help others and how are first thought reactions can show where we are in our relationship journey with Him. Scott shares his shout-out and this time it is for Christian singer Carmen. Scott shares that Carmen was simple with his productions but that left a lot of room for the Spirit. Brad shares his opinion that while digging deeper into scripture sometimes it is nice to get a simple message too. Brad also shares a shout-out for an unnamed person he met earlier in the day, that was a great example of a peacemaker. The discussion of persecution is had, and ideas are shared of what it might be like for the whole world if the Christians in the USA faced the same persecution already happening in many areas of the world. Next “Not About Us” discuss martyrs and a special book that has several stories all about the people who had the courage to trust in God, even at the sake of their own lives.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 11/6/20

“Not About Us” is back for this conversation podcast recorded on 11-06-20. Scott shares that he is learning to speak Hebrew and offers a greeting and a blessing. Brad shares a “Godwink” moment that he received from an unusual place and gives his thoughts on why being attacked might be a good thing. This leads to a discussion on how God is talking to us all day long, but we need to be able to understand how He communicates. Scott shares his shout-out to the people who answer when God calls them and are obedient to God’s will, even when they do not know they are. He then shares a story of a recent series of events that shows how God puts all the right pieces in place when bad things happen. Brad suggests that it is especially important to act when God want’s you too. This one ends with a prayer for our listeners.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 10/23/20

“Not About Us” brings you the next conversation podcast, this time recorded on 10-23-20. This time Scott and Brad explain they are back after a small hiatus. Scott gives his shout-out to Russ Taff, an American gospel singer, and explains how one of his songs has been a big help to him as of late. Brad shares his thoughts on a recent opinion from the Pope and admits how he is having a hard time with the outcome of that opinion. This leads into a discussion on how people mislead others and how we need to reach out with God’s Truth. The discussion continues with ideas of how we are being deceived, the problem with being selfishness, and how we should test spirits for truth.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 10/7/20

10/07/20 “Not About Us” Conversation – This one starts with podcast business and Brad shares that all the recorded podcasts have been edited and uploaded to the website. Scott and Brad have a conversation on the reasons why they do the podcast and their ongoing hopes for it. Scott shares that he had a recent situation that really made him upset and he shares what lessons he learned afterwards. This begins a conversation all about TobyMac and how we should be careful before passing on information that is not accurate. This conversation continues with the plea that it is especially important that the body of Christ stand together and not allows division into our ranks. Brad shares a shout-out for Mike Pompeo, the United States Secretary of State, who recently gave a very Christian speech encouraging Americans to act on their faith.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 9/25/20

“Not About Us” conversation podcast on 9/25/20. For this conversation Scott and Brad start off explaining how amazed they are that they have been able to have this many on-going conversation podcasts and give credit to the Spirit for leading them on. Brad shares how he was hit hard by the idea of our thought lives and how he feels embarrassed by the thoughts he has had in his live. He also shares how amazing it is that God is not embarrassed and still wants us all and will not turn away from us. Scott shares his shout-out and this time he wanted to give credit to his parents and the loving home they provided. Brad acknowledges that both their childhoods were quite different and gives a shout-out to his mom for giving him a taste of a loving family, even if it was later in his life. Brad shares his experiences of reading “Eyewitness:  The Visual Bible Experience” to his wife and how it has impacted him on an emotional level. This starts a conversation on how other types of media do not need to be scripturally accurate if they are spiritually accurate. Brad and Scott wonder where the passion and life has gone in religious churches. Brad makes the point that we should worship God with the talents and personality that He has given us. Scott talks about patience and how you should let wisdom guide you to know when you should be patient and when you should dive in. The topic of physical war and spiritual war is followed by Scott sharing a recent thought he had while in prayer and latch hooking. He uses the example of laying a single piece of thread during latch hook has a comparison to doing a single deed for God and how that is helping to create the bigger picture. Even if, only God can see what that bigger picture is.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 9/18/20

“Not About Us” podcast conversation on 9/18/20 starts out with a silly prayer to encourage a happy and silly conversation with the Spirit. Scott moves on to his shout-out for the week and this time it is for Perry Stone of Perry Stone Ministries. Brad shares that the conversation podcast missed a week due to Brad not feeling well. That leads to a conversation about needing a weekly refreshing for our spirit and because it was missed, both Scott and Brad report the previous week was more difficult than normal. Scott shares his thoughts on ideas that sound Godly but our rules we have made like the difference between curse words and actual curses, If we should believe in pre-destiny or if God has a destiny for us, and ignoring God’s actual word because we think we are following His word. Brad starts a conversation on the Bible and how it was divinely written by man and Scott shares how there is wisdom in knowing that the Bible is a love letter from God but we should always be looking for God as our primary outcome. Brad shares his thoughts about creating an idol of God in our heads and how we should be careful to not create a God that we are comfortable with to justify the way we want to live. Brad then shares what he discovered about the word comfort and how having God comfort us means more than just being in a state of being comfortable. This conversation ends with a shout-out and thank you to all the listeners including the ones who have been here since the start.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 8/23/20

“Not About Us” start this conversation on 8/23/20 by breaking the news that Scott has tested positive for Covid 19. Scott shares his symptoms and how he is not concerned about his current situation. This leads to a conversation about the ridiculousness of the continued spirit of fear in regard to the sickness. Brad shares his thoughts on the difference between theory and truth and then Scott reminds Brad to share recent news in his life. Brad shares about his new job opportunity and what that will mean for him and his family. Scott shares his shout-out, this time for Sid Roth of “It’s Supernatural”. Brad gives a quick update on the Revelation study and shares what happened during the recent editing of the sixth podcast study. This leads Brad and Scott to share more of what their lives were like when they were younger and some of the struggles they faced. As they look back the realize how much they have grown. The conversation wraps up with a prayer for persecuted Christians in China, who recently went through a difficult situation.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 8/7/20

“Not About Us” conversation on 8/7/20. During this conversation Scott and Brad remind the listeners that the conversation podcast is unscripted and flows from whatever the spirit lays on their hearts to talk about. Brad starts with his reaction to the explosion in Beirut Lebanon and gives his ideas of how something like that could fit into what is happening in the spiritual realm and how it could fit into prophesy. Scott shares about a recent law that could make the Bible banned in Scotland. That leads to a conversation of what would it be like if the Bible were banned here in the United States and if we were found guilty of loving our God. Scott gives a quick update on the Genesis study and a topic he discussed about the Old Testament having spiritual truths from a physical examples. Brad shares his thoughts about what it means that we have sinned in our thought life, as well as the physical sins we commit, and how God still wants us and is not ashamed of us, even with the thoughts we have had. Brad then shares a worry he had before he knew God and if he had the ability to love or not. Scott shares about his journey with forgiveness and shares two great stories about forgiveness. It all ends with asking God for more love and more forgiveness.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 9/4/20

This is a special “Not About Us” conversation recorded on 9/4/20. In this special podcast conversation Brad and Scott of “Not About Us” are joined by a special guest. Chris Coon (Coonie) a long-time friend joins “Not About Us” and brings with her a deep conversation on if the Bible is literal or if it is all allegory and she also brings a lighthearted conversation with the topic of Job chapter 41 and what exactly is the Leviathan described there. Scott shares how he thinks the Parables of Jesus are allegory but also that they literally happened. Brad answers the question if Revelation is all allegory with his thoughts that the Bible presents a pattern and understanding the Bible pattern will help answer how events have happened and will happen again. Scott shares his opinion on the Bible being literal and discusses a Genesis Bible study that he had to throw out because it argued Genesis was fable. On the discussion of the Leviathan, Brad shares his thoughts on how the world was before the Tower of Babel and how some of the things mentioned in the Bible may exist today, or have evidence of existence today, but there is a deception over us from the enemy, trying to hide truth from us that might give credibility to the Bible. Chris explains how the description of the Leviathan was a personal experience for her because God knew that this would start her curiosity of what other amazing things might be in the Bible. Brad shares how he first discovered how the Bible was full of passion and emotion and then the conversation is ended with Scott sharing a shout-out for Amir Tsarfati of Behold Israel.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 7/31/20

This “Not About Us” conversation took place on 7/31/20 and Brad was excited to start things right off with an awesome testimony of a God wink event that happened to him that week. Scott took it from there to give an update on his process of working on being a solider and how he was truly chasing and feeling God’s presence in his life. This caused even trials to feel like an adventure but then he reports how when he grew tired things changed for him. This brought Scott and Brad to the shout-out portion of the conversation and Scott shared his shout-out was for Brad. Brad was humbled and then share his shout-out for those listening to the podcast. Brad and Scott get into a conversation about our souls and how long can we go without spiritual refreshing. A discussion of Scripture and how the Bible was written for all of us and for each of us individually. Brad shares his idea on the figurative dedication page of the Bible. Scott starts a conversation on the idea of being closed minded and open-minded which leads to a conversation on absolutes. Finally, the conversation ends discussing the ticking time bomb of our deaths and how God can help remove the bomb before it is to late.

Brad’s Godwink experience discussed in this conversation.

Brad’s Godwink experience discussed in this conversation.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 7/24/20

On 7/24/20 “Not About Us” sat down for the weekly conversation podcast. Brad started with a discussion on Israel and how we should bless them and how any enemy of Israel should be careful when God is on the side of His people. Scott discussed where he is right now on his journey and how being a soldier is the theme he is focused on. He shared his desire to block out any distractions for a week and just focus on study and being in spiritual warfare. Brad brought up the importance of prayer and asked for prayers that Scott would be successful in his journey and then asked the listeners to pray for the podcast. The discussion of prayer continues and Brad explains that when you are in sincere prayer you are transported to the throne room of God. Scott shared why he hates debates but appreciates a conversation or discussion. Scott and Brad gave shout outs to groups and singers that were important to them in their journey with Christian music. Scott gave a shout out to the band Petra and Brad gave a shout out to the singer Matthew West. Scott ended this discussion with prayers for Brad.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 7/17/20

On 7/17/20 “Not About Us” sat down for the next weekly conversation podcast and Scott started the conversation sharing a shout out to David Crowder. Brad and Scott agree that he puts passion and life into his music. Brad shares that it was a sad day for him but a great day when he discusses the death of his Grandmother. The topic of how Christians should handle and celebrate death because of the promises of God and what death really means to those who belong to the Savior is discussed. Scott explains how there can be joy in sadness and Brad shares that Christians can have hope in their deaths. This brings the conversation to the current Covid 19 crisis event and Scott wonders what is really going on behind the fear of Covid. Brad shares his thoughts and a warning about being distracted and offers the idea that people should be on guard to any distractions in their lives. Finally, Scott brings the conversation to a conclusion discussing what is sin and what is folly and how the prosperity message is good and can be a wonderful thing but should not be the only focus for Christians.  

Brad and his Grandma.

Brad and his Grandma.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Conversation 7/3/20

In this new “Not About Us” conversation podcast Scott and Brad sit down to talk about Dana Coverstone and how he courageously shared his prophetic dreams to the world. This leads to a deeper discussion about the last days and what things might be distracting us from our relationship with God. Also “Not About Us” gives a plea for Christians to run to Christ while they still have that choice to make, while they still have the freewill to do so. Scott and Brad give a huge shoutout to TobyMac for inspiring them with his music and with staying true to Christ even after the death of his young son. Scott ends this discussion with an emotional telling of one of his dreams that shows God’s love for all of us even when we do not understand how God could ever love someone as low as us.

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