“Not About Us” Conversation 11/13/20

“Not About Us” is back with the next conversation podcast. This one was recorded on 11-13-2020. The conversation starts with a discussion of what happens when you are disappointed, and you have a relationship with God. Continuing, a discussion about answering God’s call to help others and how are first thought reactions can show where we are in our relationship journey with Him. Scott shares his shout-out and this time it is for Christian singer Carmen. Scott shares that Carmen was simple with his productions but that left a lot of room for the Spirit. Brad shares his opinion that while digging deeper into scripture sometimes it is nice to get a simple message too. Brad also shares a shout-out for an unnamed person he met earlier in the day, that was a great example of a peacemaker. The discussion of persecution is had, and ideas are shared of what it might be like for the whole world if the Christians in the USA faced the same persecution already happening in many areas of the world. Next “Not About Us” discuss martyrs and a special book that has several stories all about the people who had the courage to trust in God, even at the sake of their own lives.


“Not About Us” Conversation 11/20/20


“Not About Us” Conversation 11/6/20