“Not About Us” Conversation 8/23/20

“Not About Us” start this conversation on 8/23/20 by breaking the news that Scott has tested positive for Covid 19. Scott shares his symptoms and how he is not concerned about his current situation. This leads to a conversation about the ridiculousness of the continued spirit of fear in regard to the sickness. Brad shares his thoughts on the difference between theory and truth and then Scott reminds Brad to share recent news in his life. Brad shares about his new job opportunity and what that will mean for him and his family. Scott shares his shout-out, this time for Sid Roth of “It’s Supernatural”. Brad gives a quick update on the Revelation study and shares what happened during the recent editing of the sixth podcast study. This leads Brad and Scott to share more of what their lives were like when they were younger and some of the struggles they faced. As they look back the realize how much they have grown. The conversation wraps up with a prayer for persecuted Christians in China, who recently went through a difficult situation.


“Not About Us” Conversation 9/18/20


“Not About Us” Conversation 8/7/20