“Not About Us” Conversation 9/18/20

“Not About Us” podcast conversation on 9/18/20 starts out with a silly prayer to encourage a happy and silly conversation with the Spirit. Scott moves on to his shout-out for the week and this time it is for Perry Stone of Perry Stone Ministries. Brad shares that the conversation podcast missed a week due to Brad not feeling well. That leads to a conversation about needing a weekly refreshing for our spirit and because it was missed, both Scott and Brad report the previous week was more difficult than normal. Scott shares his thoughts on ideas that sound Godly but our rules we have made like the difference between curse words and actual curses, If we should believe in pre-destiny or if God has a destiny for us, and ignoring God’s actual word because we think we are following His word. Brad starts a conversation on the Bible and how it was divinely written by man and Scott shares how there is wisdom in knowing that the Bible is a love letter from God but we should always be looking for God as our primary outcome. Brad shares his thoughts about creating an idol of God in our heads and how we should be careful to not create a God that we are comfortable with to justify the way we want to live. Brad then shares what he discovered about the word comfort and how having God comfort us means more than just being in a state of being comfortable. This conversation ends with a shout-out and thank you to all the listeners including the ones who have been here since the start.


“Not About Us” Conversation 9/25/20


“Not About Us” Conversation 8/23/20