“Not About Us” Conversation 1/29/21

Hello and welcome “Not About Us” listeners! Please join us for this ongoing bi-weekly conversation podcast. This is where we share anything and everything that we think the Spirit wants us to share. Here you will find conversations on current events, updates on our relationship journeys with God, and shout-outs to those who have inspired us or helped us find truth.

Brad’s shout-out this podcast is for Tim Mahoney, documentary filmmaker for Patterns of Evidence, a series of documentaries exploring the evidence for Biblical events, including the Exodus and the Red Sea Crossing.


Scott’s shout-out this podcast is for former coworker, Nicole Reed, an unknown soldier, who did her part to answer and follow God’s will in her life. Scott also expressed his thoughts on prophesy information he received from Faithful Walk Healing Ministries.


Also, in this podcast two music videos were shouted-out for how they moved Brad and Scott. Here are the links to the videos-

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdcjcFBKwd4 Crowder - Crushing Snakes: Showdown ft. TAYA

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yettnq-v_cY Who We Are - MDSN


“Not About Us” Conversation 2/26/21


“Not About Us” Conversation 1/15/21