“Not About Us” Conversation 10/7/20

10/07/20 “Not About Us” Conversation – This one starts with podcast business and Brad shares that all the recorded podcasts have been edited and uploaded to the website. Scott and Brad have a conversation on the reasons why they do the podcast and their ongoing hopes for it. Scott shares that he had a recent situation that really made him upset and he shares what lessons he learned afterwards. This begins a conversation all about TobyMac and how we should be careful before passing on information that is not accurate. This conversation continues with the plea that it is especially important that the body of Christ stand together and not allows division into our ranks. Brad shares a shout-out for Mike Pompeo, the United States Secretary of State, who recently gave a very Christian speech encouraging Americans to act on their faith.


“Not About Us” Conversation 10/23/20


“Not About Us” Conversation 9/25/20