“Not About Us” Conversation 7/31/20

This “Not About Us” conversation took place on 7/31/20 and Brad was excited to start things right off with an awesome testimony of a God wink event that happened to him that week. Scott took it from there to give an update on his process of working on being a solider and how he was truly chasing and feeling God’s presence in his life. This caused even trials to feel like an adventure but then he reports how when he grew tired things changed for him. This brought Scott and Brad to the shout-out portion of the conversation and Scott shared his shout-out was for Brad. Brad was humbled and then share his shout-out for those listening to the podcast. Brad and Scott get into a conversation about our souls and how long can we go without spiritual refreshing. A discussion of Scripture and how the Bible was written for all of us and for each of us individually. Brad shares his idea on the figurative dedication page of the Bible. Scott starts a conversation on the idea of being closed minded and open-minded which leads to a conversation on absolutes. Finally, the conversation ends discussing the ticking time bomb of our deaths and how God can help remove the bomb before it is to late.

Brad’s Godwink experience discussed in this conversation.

Brad’s Godwink experience discussed in this conversation.


“Not About Us” Conversation 9/4/20


“Not About Us” Conversation 7/24/20