“Not About Us” Conversation 7/17/20

On 7/17/20 “Not About Us” sat down for the next weekly conversation podcast and Scott started the conversation sharing a shout out to David Crowder. Brad and Scott agree that he puts passion and life into his music. Brad shares that it was a sad day for him but a great day when he discusses the death of his Grandmother. The topic of how Christians should handle and celebrate death because of the promises of God and what death really means to those who belong to the Savior is discussed. Scott explains how there can be joy in sadness and Brad shares that Christians can have hope in their deaths. This brings the conversation to the current Covid 19 crisis event and Scott wonders what is really going on behind the fear of Covid. Brad shares his thoughts and a warning about being distracted and offers the idea that people should be on guard to any distractions in their lives. Finally, Scott brings the conversation to a conclusion discussing what is sin and what is folly and how the prosperity message is good and can be a wonderful thing but should not be the only focus for Christians.  

Brad and his Grandma.

Brad and his Grandma.


“Not About Us” Conversation 7/24/20


“Not About Us” Conversation 7/3/20