Brad Allen Brad Allen

A Biblical Study About The Origin of Woman

Welcome “Not About Us” listeners! This topic podcast has a special guest star podcaster. Larry East, a fellow brother-in-Christ, from Kingdom Life Family Ministries International joins “Not About Us” to discuss the origins of Woman in Genesis.

*Please Note - Due the file size of the audio clip being too large I had to upload this podcast as two separate audio clips above.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

The Lord’s Prayer

Welcome “Not About Us” listeners to this topic podcast. For this special podcast study, Scott and Brad, wish to share their thoughts on each line of the Lord’s Prayer taught to us by Yeshua in Matthew 6:9-13.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

Message From Scott

Hello “Not About Us” Listeners! Please listen to this special message and apology from Scott.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

The Conversation Audio Drama

Join "Not About Us" for this audio drama

exploring the different stages one man goes through

during his relationship with God.

The Conversation


by Scott Snyder


Brad Allen - Chris

Scott Snyder - God

Audio and Video Elements

by Brad Allen


by Kaitlyn Allen



Created by Lance Conrad

Special Thanks

“Not About Us” Listeners

Our Family and Friends

Very Special Thanks


We love him, because he first loved us.

-1 John 4:19

The Conversation.jpg
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Brad Allen Brad Allen

Ark of the Covenant

“Not About Us” presents this topic podcast all about the Ark of the Covenant. Using information from Ron Wyatt, Michael Rood, and Scripture, “Not About Us” share the amazing story of how the Ark was protected from the invasion of Babylon and was recently found to still be hidden in Jerusalem. Also, get ready to be blown away by just how perfect God is when the evidence shows that there were even more remarkable things happening at the crucifixion, both in the physical and the spiritual.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

The Feasts of the Lord

“Not About Us” Studies brings you this podcast topic all about Yahweh and His Appointed Feasts and Holy Convocations as described in Leviticus 23. This series of 3 podcasts goes deeper into the meaning of each feast and shows how they were rehearsals for the coming of the Messiah as well as physical representations of spiritual truths. Also discussed is how Yeshua (Jesus) perfectly fulfilled the spring feasts during His first coming and will fulfill the fall feasts during His second coming. We truly hope that this will be a blessing to you and help you in your own chase and study.

Podcast Topic: The Spring Feasts of the Lord

Passover – Pesach

Unleavened Bread – Chag Hamotzi

Firstfruits – Reshit Katzir

Pentecost – Shavu’ot

Podcast Topic: The Fall Feasts of the Lord

Trumpets – Yom Teru’ah

Atonement – Yom Kippur

Tabernacles – Sukkot

Podcast Topic: Hanukkah and Purim

Sabbath – Shabbat



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Brad Allen Brad Allen

Orthodox Jew—New Testament Christian—Messianic Jew

A "Not About Us" topic conversation about the difference between these three different beliefs. Also, a plea to all to except the truth that all of scripture (Old and New Testament) is the divine written word of God and the entirety of scripture is important to get the full understanding of God, His covenant, and plan for us all.


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Brad Allen Brad Allen

Our Father

“Not About Us” brings some honor to the important fathers in our lives and shares why Yahweh is the ultimate father to us. Brad shares his love for his father William, his father figure Greg Gaul, and his father-in-law Kirt.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

“Not About Us” Introduction

Very first podcast of “Not About us”. Two buddies in Christ share their testimonies and desire to chase after a relationship with God. They hope to introduce you to the God of the universe and inspire you to chase after a relationship too!

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

Biblical Names Study

“Not About Us” sheds some light on certain Biblical names and how they have been transcribed into English. Also “Not About Us” discusses the deeper meaning of having an intimate relationship with God by using His name Yahweh.

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Brad Allen Brad Allen

General Bible Study

Scott shares some general Bible study tools that he will use in future episodes of “Not About Us”. He hopes to blow your mind when he introduces you to some of the amazing things he has learned in his own studies including the deeper meaning of Hebrew letters!

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