Revelation Study 8 Part 1

Welcome “Not About Us” listeners to this on-going podcast study of the book of Revelation! Join Brad as he shares his study notes and his personal thoughts on every verse of Revelation. Take part in the conversation as Scott offers his candid ideas and opinions as Brad shares the passion he has for this prophecy. Let the images of Revelation paint pictures in your imagination and feel the blessings offered from this important, special, and amazing book!

Revelation 1:9

Ideas discussed in this podcast episode include: For Revelation verse 1:9 Brad was excited to discover that he had more material than he thought he would have and made the decision to split this study into parts 1 and 2. For part 1 Brad shares his thoughts on how God puts the right people in the right place at the right time for amazing reasons. Brad explains this truth by spending this study discussing who John was and why he was on the island of Patmos and how that was the perfect place for him to be to receive the Revelation.  


Revelation Study 8 Part 2


Revelation Study 7