Genesis Study 18

Welcome “Not About Us” listeners to this on-going podcast study of the book of Genesis! Scott would like to share with you his study and his personal thoughts for every verse of Genesis. Be a part of the discussion as Brad shares his candid ideas of the mind-blowing topics offered up by Scott. Dig deeper into our origins, than you ever thought, with the Hebrew word pictures and word studies discussed here. Listen to the voice of God as we gain greater understanding of who He is and what purpose He has for us as we continue to study this amazing and powerful book!

Genesis 3:22-24  

Ideas discussed in this podcast episode include: This Bible Study podcast starts with a discussion on the knowledge of good and evil and Brad ponders if God’s heavenly body have the knowledge of good and evil. Scott shares why being kicked out of the garden was a mercy of God. The mysteries of God are discussed and then a suggestion is made that if God says something, the statement becomes truth, and must happen which helps to explain why a verse in this study trails off without ending. Scott explains his thoughts on why God placed cherubim to guard the east of the garden and then presents word studies and Hebrew word pictures for the words “east”, “cherubim”, and “sword”.


Genesis Study 19


Genesis Study 17