Genesis Study 14

Welcome “Not About Us” listeners to this on-going podcast study of the book of Genesis! Scott would like to share with you his study and his personal thoughts for every verse of Genesis. Be a part of the discussion as Brad shares his candid ideas of the mind-blowing topics offered up by Scott. Dig deeper into our origins, than you ever thought, with the Hebrew word pictures and word studies discussed here. Listen to the voice of God as we gain greater understanding of who He is and what purpose He has for us as we continue to study this amazing and powerful book!

Genesis 3:6-10  

Ideas discussed in this podcast episode include: “Not About Us” presents the next on-going Bible adventure Genesis study podcast. Scott shares that this podcast was recorded shortly after he recovered from Covid 19 and he wanted to give honor to God even during that trial. The study starts with a word study and a Hebrew word picture of the word “saw” and that starts a discussion on if this was the first time Eve was seeing the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Next word Scott shares his thoughts on is “delight” and he provides his intriguing Hebrew word pictures. The Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil is discussed, and a connection is made explaining the beauty of the tree. Scott makes a correlation from a previous podcast where Brad had given a word study for tree and Scott shares that the tree is desirable because of the Carpenter (Jesus). He then shares a Hebrew word picture that paints that picture. Brad and Scott investigate what it means to “see” and then moving on to discuss the poor attempt by Adam and Eve to make garments for themselves. Scott investigates the word “presence” which means face and Brad wonders if over his lifetime after the fall Adam started to forget what the face of God looked like. Scott explains how we fear and love God. Tying it all together, Scott discusses how God is calling out to us so we can return to Him.


Genesis Study 15


Genesis Study 13